Andre - long time lurker (on Workplace) first time caller. First off, really bummed that Meta has lost you, however, I’m glad to know that at least you seem to be keeping high spirits and a positive attitude off the bat. Secondly, your content and posts both here and on Workplace are fantastic and consistently high quality and for that I want to say thank you as well as encourage you to keep it up. With your newly freed up time, you should seriously consider consolidating all of your popular content into a book and maybe trying to crowdfund publication. I know it’s a competitive market but I read a lot of personal finance blogs and your stuff is really well done compared to much of what’s out there. At any rate, best of luck on your next endeavor whatever it ends up being! I look forward to following along here as that develops!

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Hey Andre! So sorry to hear about this. Obviously expected you to be financially prepared 😆 but also generally glad to hear you're doing alright.

I wish you all the best for what's next, and will be rooting along here!

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Sorry to hear this Andre. You will be fine. You might be back at a new job before you want too :) Enjoy the time off. Keep up the blog and financial education, good stuff.

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Sorry you have to go through this Andre. As a fellow laid off worker in tech, it sucks to see the wave of layoffs continue in the industry. Be sure to use the upcoming week to reflect and process it all. It's a lot in the beginning, but you'll get through it. Keep your head up and best of luck my friend.

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I am so sorry to hear! I am sure you are going to be fine; you clearly have so many great skills and always seem prepared for everything. But it is also a big jolt, and I hope it is not too rough. And of course these things sometimes precipitate much better things. A few years ago I lost a big project in a previous job. It felt like a disaster at the time, but it ended up triggering a chain of events that took me to such a better place. I will be looking forward to the next steps of your journey.

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Did you see the deal for T-Mo cell plans they shared yesterday? Seemed like a good price and Meta alumni are eligible. I can share if desired.

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Yeah! Just need to buy a cell phone. I already started the process to release my number.

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Thanks for "operating in public" this way Andre, it's always interesting to learn/read about even though I'm not in the FAANG universe. Best of luck with what's next!

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Sorry to hear the news Andre, glad that you’re relieved and fine on the financial side of things.

On the bright side, looking forward to reading your future posts!

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