The summer camp season is unreal. I'm glad you were able to find some camps to get her into.

I don't know what your full situation is like, just recently followed and I'm not a FAANG worker, but I'm in tech. One "hack" I wanted to share that we do is that my partner works at a school. She's considered a teacher, but she's a social worker. This means she gets summers off. We avoid the stress of summer camps that way as she stays home with them and I work part time during the day. I wanted to mention it because it's easy to forget there are jobs that grant summers off, if you end up having a way to leverage it.

We are also not FI yet but on the way, enough to where I don't need to work full time and it helps to have my partner there to make the journey smoother (we have three kids, so imagine coordinating that with summer camps 😱).

Congratulations on the move and hopefully next summer will be a lot more fun-filled 🔥

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My daughter is only 2.5 (ballet class starts next week!) and I am VERY much looking forward to our summers, we only get 18 of them.

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You will look back in future years on this summer as a significant investment in the long term relationship with your daughter. It’s hard but worth it and when she is grown up and able to survive without you it might just be that she wants to still hang out with you because of this investment. Looking forward to the increased posts…you got this!

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